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Move Time Logged


Level 4
Occasionally we need to move time entered on a specific task on a specific project to a different task on a different project. Is there a simple way to do this within Workfront? Currently we're manually manipulating timesheets. Marty Hosch Daniel Brian Advertising

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5 Replies


Level 10
There is no easy way to do this that I know of. We reject hours on projects, open timesheets, change hours, approve timesheets, approve hours. Brute force is the only way. Eric


Level 7
Hi Marty, Eric is spot on with this one. We don't currently offer an easy way to move hours. What I've had other system admins do is create a kick-start and import the hours with the same info, to the new objects, then delete the old ones. This works in bulk, but for anything less than say ~40-50 entries, it's probably not worth your time to build out the sheet. I wonder if Doug at the AtApp store has something that could help though.. could be worth checking out. Thanks, Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Sorry to revive an old thread. I'm facing the same issue today and wondering if anything has changed in Workfront that has made this easier since this post back in 2017. Thanks in advance. Chris Jackson CheckMark


Level 4

Has anything changed with making this process easier?


Level 7

Nope...still horribly painful and manual.


As a system admin, I have to find incorrectly logged time via a special report, open each timesheet from the report, reopen the already approved timesheet, find the task or issue (which takes opening up other tabs to find the task since the search/add to timesheet is so awful), add task or issue, cut comment & task from old/wrong task, add time and comment to new task, resave/reapprove.