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Get historical data for those resources that logged time to unassigned tasks


Level 2

Hi Community,

I’m trying to get historical data for those resources that logged time to unassigned tasks, unfortunately, the report I currently have is only good to pull current data for resources that logged time to unassigned tasks.

Using the report for historical data is not good because some of the resources may have been previously assigned to the tasks but were removed because they were no longer needed on the project.

However, how can I create a report to pull historical data without pulling resources that were previously assigned to the task but only to pull resources that were not assigned to the task? Or how can I query the system update?

how can we get information from the System Updates list?


I know there is lot of questions here, your input and contribution is super appreciated, thanks for your help.


2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Mesh,
I don't think that Workfront reporting will let you easily do that. 
As you correctly noted, assignment to a task can change over time, so basically at any point when hours are being logged you would need to check if the task is assigned when this happens. Fusion could verify that pretty easily, but I'm not sure if that's an option for you


Level 2

@Rafal_Bainie , thank you so much for your input, it is super appreciated.