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Logging time -


Level 2
Hello all, Hoping some of you may have some thoughts on creative solutions to the following.... or maybe I am missing something..... We are asking our Project Managers to track time on their projects at the project level (for now). Some of the tasks in the project template are done by another organization within our company or by the customer we are "implementing". Because the people being assigned the task are NOT Workfront users, we have created some job roles for functions/people needed since they are integral to the project. And although they are not IN Workfront, the PM wants to track their time so that we can learn from the total project picture for future project planning. I've thought about creating "dummy" users - but how do I handle the email address (company not likely to provide one to use)? Eager to hear your solutions! Lori Lori Gates Thermo Fisher Scientific
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Lori, In some situations, I will set up user dummy accounts (eg with email addresses such as doug.denhoedXXX@atappstore.com) in order to create the user I need, but knowing that it's not intended for logging in (or receiving email alerts, since it is a bogus address). For your time tracking case, perhaps you could do similarly, with either a single dummy account (eg everyoneXXX@othercompany.com), or one per person (eg joe.bloggsXXX@othercompany.com, etc). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 1
Lori- We have, I believe, a similar situation with some of our outside freelancers. We wanted to track the time spent by them on tasks inside the project but they do not have a login/license for Workfront. Our work around is we set up a dummy user (work license, only way to track time to tasks) with an email address with our company domain, but invalid name. We did not have our IT set up the email up to be valid. However, since the system admins have access to setup the password for this account and no email notifications are necessary we have found it works. This way any one on the team can log in as this person and log time to tasks and it will show up as freelancer time and keep our project templates as accurate as possible. Hope this helps! Sarah:) Sarah Currie Ball Horticultural Company


Level 1
Test reply from Support. Please ignore. Taylor Pasley Workfront