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Line Breaks in combined columns


Level 2
I've done a search to try to find what I'm looking for and having difficulty seeing a previous post on this topic. I have a Request report that is pulling in the request name and the resolve project name, and I've combined those columns. The resulting column displays the Request:Resolve Project, and I would like it to be more like this: Request Resolve Project My text looks like this: column.1.listsort=string(name) column.1.valueformat=HTML column.1.shortview=true column.1.isInlineEditable=false column.1.textmode=true column.1.link.valuefield=objCode column.1.link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=int column.1.link.linkproperty.0.name=ID column.1.link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=ID column.1.link.valueformat=val column.1.link.lookup=link.view column.1.section=0 column.1.querysort=name column.1.stretch=100 column.1.namekey=name.abbr column.1.valuefield=name column.1.linkedname=direct column.1.sharecol=true column.1.width=150 column.1.descriptionkey=name column.2.width=1 column.2.value= column.2.valueformat=HTML column.2.textmode=true column.2.sharecol=true column.3.namekey=view.relatedcolumn column.3.querysort=resolveProject:name column.3.valuefield=resolveProject:name column.3.linkedname=resolveProject column.3.textmode=true column.3.valueformat=HTML column.3.namekeyargkey.0=resolveProject column.3.namekeyargkey.1=name column.3.displayname= Thank you for any help you can provide! Heather Lambert Marketing Operations Project Manager Optiv, Inc Denver, CO
3 Replies


Level 10
you need to put an additional column between those two lines, with a < b r > (linebreak) tag in it. "https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_br.asp" title="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_br.asp">https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_br.asp -skye


Level 3
Hi Heather, Try this: where you have "column.2.value=" change it to "column.2.value= " Let me know if that works for you. Best Regards, Dan Perkins Moventus


Level 2
@Dan Perkins Thank you, that worked perfectly! Heather Lambert Marketing Operations Project Manager Optiv, Inc Denver, CO