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Issues report with Proofs


Level 10
Hi I am trying to make a report that will show all the active Issues in which I have been asked to approve a proof. ("Me" meaning the user logged in $$USER.ID). I want to be able to see the issues (or proofs attached to those issues), even if I've already approved them. Background if it helps: Jessica opened 100 issues, each with one attached proof, she is the owner of the issue and the proof. Jessica shared each proof with 3-5 different people for review. Elissa was on about 10 of the proofs. She approved her 10, but then other people started commenting, and she now wants to go through all of them again to make sure there aren't any other comments she missed. We can't find a way to list out all the proofs that Jessica shared with Elissa. The only proofs showing in "Home" are the ones she hasn't yet approved -- under Approvals filter. When looking at all the open issues, there are so many, it's hard to find which ones have proofs that were shared with Elissa. To click through from the notifications is wonky because you never know if you missed something. Any ideas how to get this? Jill Ackerman

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7 Replies


Level 10
Hi Jill - If I'm understanding this correctly, I believe you want a proof approval report. We have one similar Columns: Issue*, Document Name, Version, Proof Creator, Document Version Entry Date (although we renamned it to "Uploaded") *Text Mode for Issue field: displayname=Issue querysort=documentVersion:document:opTask:name textmode=true valuefield=documentVersion:document:opTask:name valueformat=HTML We group by Portfolio and then Project Name, but we can only do the Portfolio because we have a calculated custom field on the Project form that calculates Portfolio Name for us (so it isn't too far away). If you don't have that, you will need to remove all the group.0 items and rename the group.1 items. group.0.name= group.0.valuefield=documentVersion:document:project:Portfolio Name group.0.valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString group.1.name= group.1.valuefield=documentVersion:document:project:name group.1.valueformat=string textmode=true For filters, we use Proof Approval >> Approver ID equal $$USER.ID Proof Approval >> Is Current Document Version equal True There is a filter Proof Approval >> Awaiting Decision equal True. I'm not 100% sure though if that is the whole proof is waiting a decision or just that one approver's decision. The reason is that there is another filter that is Approver Decision as well and that one I know is for the one approver. So you might want to play around with that. If neither work, let me know and maybe there is something we can do with EXISTS filters so that you can filter on Issues who status isn't closed. Or something to reduce the number of approvals so everyone isn't seeing every approval they've ever had. Hope this helps. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Thank you, this does look like what I need, and after I sent the request to the community I stumbled on the Proof Approval Report so I did get part way, and I think this will get me further. I haven't a chance yet to try out your columns, but in eyeballing, it doesn't look like there is a way to only list the latest version. Is there a way to list only the proof with the latest version entry date or the highest version number?


Level 10
OH WAIT that did work on the filter to only show the latest proof. This is perfect. THANK YOU.


Level 2
I have a similar proof report that I've created but having trouble only showing approvals on projects that are current. I've tried to use text mode to create a filter to look at the status of the project document:project:status but no luck. Any suggestions? Semira Peters FIAM


Level 5
@Anthony Imgrund , this is another great share, thank you! Am attempting something like it this evening and want a variation for our PMs vs our reviewers/requesters. We'd like to also include the Proof Deadline. In fact, would prefer the Proof Deadline (for that version) for our PM report; and a Proof Deadline calculated off the current stage of the current version of the proof for our Stakeholders (requests/reviewers/approvers) so we can share that out (hopefully) to a dashboard for them. I found a deadline date to include from the fields available but it only worked for the few manual proofs or workflow proofs where all (or last) stage is based on proof creation. It didn't work for any of our proofs where the workflow stage deadlines are based on proof interactions set. Tammie Tammie Bouchard National Safety Council


Level 10
This is very weird. The Proof Deadline field is on the document version object type and not the proof approval one like I would have thought. With it being for the whole version, it can't show you the deadlines for the different stages. It looks like it only shows info if you have a basic approval (which means no stages). I have a few contacts with Product on Proof. I'm going to email them to see what their thought was behind this. To me, it would make sense to have it at the proof approval level since every approver could be in a different stage with a different deadline. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Hi Semira - this is hard. You need to go 3 steps up (Proof Approval to Document Version to Document to Project). Not 100% sure how you do that. Let me ask around. However, if you have a custom form on all your documents, I might have a for you do get there. On the document custom form, you can do a calculated field with Project.Name as the calculation. Then you can paste the below above the text mode of the Proof Approval filters you already have. EXISTS:1:$$OBJCODE=DOCV EXISTS:1:ID=FIELD:documentVersionID EXISTS:1:DE:document:The Project Status=CUR EXISTS:1:DE:document:The Project Status_Mod=in We don't do custom forms on our documents, but I thought I'd throw it out there in case you did. ;) Anthony Imgrund FCB