Our team is currently onboarding Workfront. We plan to use issues for our web production team to manage one-off requests like a doc upload or simple change that does not need to go through a full project process. These issues come through our request queue and then we are simply converting them to tasks from the request queue. There are 3 users trying to manage the request queue. Is there a simple way for us to hide the issues that have already been converted or to add a column that shows a field identifying which issues have already been converted?
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For clarification, our system admins have decided they want to keep issues as records even after conversion so we are unable to check off the "delete issue after conversion" check mark
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Issues that have been converted should now have a "resolve task ID". You should be able to either make a filter for anything where the resolve task ID is blank (i.e. hasn't been converted) or create a column showing the resolve task ID -- this will show which ones have been converted.
Wonderful! thank you for that! I was messing around with some of the filters and guess i hadn't tried that one.
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@skyehansen do you know how to add that field to the request queue list view as a new column? Rather than just having to set up the filter?
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Since there are several different ways your team can be managing its queue, it's difficult to give any more exact instruction than "just add the column to whichever view your request queue team is using." But if you're able to be more specific, I'm sure we'll be able to help direct you.
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I dont want to add a new column like in the kanban view. I'd like to just SHOW a field on the list view. Like how it currently shows issue name, assignment, date, etc. I just want to pull in the resolve task ID field
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OK, sounds like you and your team is familiar with a list view, and using it to see several columns.
That list view should contain some dropdowns on the upper right corner -- you might see a little icon for a funnel, eye and square-containing-squares. Whatever is selected under the eye icon is the view your team member/s use/s. Since each team member can select any of the views they can see, it's best if you coordinate with them to commit to using the same view and then either copy it to create a new view or amend it so that it has that column.
If it doesn't appear that you have permissions to do this, I recommend you reach out to your system administrator to assist.
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