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Issue Chargeable or Non-chargeable


Level 10
Hi all, We haven't used to allow anyone to log hours against issues, as they can't be marked as chargeable or non-chargeable. And they were showing up on hour report as 'no value'. For some reason, now some of the hours logged against issues are being billed with getting good hour rate as well. Question is: where is a place on a Issue which let you decide if it could be chargeable or non-chargeable? I can't find it anywhere.. And how is it possible it gets good hour rate for users ? Thanks, Dags
8 Replies


Level 10
Hi: We struggle with time charged to issues. We don’t allow it, but WorkFront technology does not allow us to turn off the ability to charge time to issues. If we could disable charging time to issues, then there wouldn’t be billing issues. Does anyone know how to turn off the ability to charge to issues? Thanks, Eric


Level 7
If you add hours to issues, it looks at the Billing Rates to determine the billing rate for those hours (if none is setup, then the rate will be 0). Also, we created a Non-billable hour type so if it's not supposed to be billable, the user can select that type when entering their hours.


Level 10
Hi Greg, Yes it definitely looks this way. As for some reason them hours logged against issues are on the Billing Record.


Level 7
Hi Dagmara, I'm not sure by your response if there is still an issue or not. If the user enters time against an issue, and the user belongs to a Billing Rate that's setup for this project, then it will be billed at that rate. If there is no billing rate setup for that user, or if the user chooses a Non-billable code, then the hours will not be billed.


Level 10
We've got billing rate for every user assigned on user's setting, not for a role. So it looks like it does bill it against it. The issue is: is there any manual way to switch it off?


Level 7
I see. If you're using User Billing rates, then I don't think you can force it to what you're trying to do, but hopefully the user can select the non-billable code when submitting time on issues. Hopefully someone else has a better answer.


Level 10
We've had users log time on issues but we also look at our timesheets monthly. Before we run the monthyly reports for the timesheets, I run a report looking for logged time on issues and then email the specific users with entries where they've logged time on issues instead of projects for them to correct it themselves. I run the report until everything's been corrected. It pushes the responsibility back to the users and hopefully, we won't have repeat users in the long run.


Level 10
We try to push our projects manager to create a task for every issue, so then users can log time against it. Trouble is that, as we know, sometimes you can't keep adding one task by another, cos project getting without a sense. Like loosing a scope.