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Is there a way to report on when a custom form was last used abd the fields that are associated with those forms?


Level 2

I am in the process of working with some coworkers to determine what custom forms we can deactivate (or potentially delete) because they are no longer in use and the data tied to them is not relevant. I managed to make a custom view in the backend under Custom Forms > Forms and I have managed to create a custom view under Custom Forms > Fields that shows me what fields are associated with what forms. What I was hoping to be able to do is combine the two into one report, preferably in the custom form view that I created. However, I think that Workfront treats Forms, Fields, and Sections as their own thing and don't allow for hybrid reporting because of this separation of data. I thought that I might be able to utilize the text editing for the column parameters in an effort to pull in field data. But, one, I don't know if that would even work. And two, I have no idea how I would code it out (I am the furthest thing from a coder).


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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3 Replies


Community Advisor

I did this once a long time ago and I took the easy route since it was a one-time thing. One example is in determining if a task-based form/field was recently used, I created a task report with a column for that field or fields, then sorted by last updated date (or creation date) and then looked for the last cell that wasn't blank. That told me the last time it was used or filled out.

By focusing on the object the field was used on and not the form or field itself, it allowed for more robust and flexible reporting, leading to a faster solution.

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Level 2

Could you provide me with an example of what you're describing? I am still a little new to building out reports, and when I look at the options for building out a new view, I don't really know what I can look at in regards to specifying fields. I do have a report that is just for all fields in the system that we have and the forms that they were last updated on, as well as a custom form report that shows the last time that that form was updated. In theory, I could merge these two reports and figure out what fields live on what custom forms, manually in Excel. But I was hoping that I could pull form and field information together on the same report.


Community Advisor

OK, for a quick example, I created the following.

I have a form that is used in a request queue for new user requests. I want to know how often it is used and when it was last used.

I looked at the form, and it has a required field called "Time Zone" that is not used on any other form. This will suit my purpose. It is important that you choose a field that is not used on any other form and is also a required field.

Since this is an Issue-based form, I created an Issue report showing all issues with this required field "not blank".

I added an "Issue>Entry Date" field and sorted descending by that field.

With this single report, I can see that this form has been used 273 times with the most recent use on December 17, 2024.
ScreenShot 2024-12-18 at 10.49.54 AM.jpg

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