We have project created for our engineering change process and we have someone who gets assigned to tasks when the project is in planning. We then make the project active.
Is there a way to designate someone to work on and complete the task in the project other than the person assigned to the task. We have an employee who has tasks on all of our engineering change projects. She has been assigned by role. She would like to have someone else perform some tasks when she gets too busy or if she is out of the office. We have other people in her role, but that are not part of the project.
What is the best in class method for allowing the person assigned to a task designate it to be completed by someone else not currently part of the project. How can her designee go into an active project and add her name as the assignee and change the status of the task to complete when she is done.
Any help or guidance who be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
John Weiss
Workfront Administrator
Follett Products, LLC