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Is it possible to remove the Workfront branding from the Business Case pdf?


Level 6
We are looking in to using the business case pdf that workfront puts out but we really don't want their branding on the bottom when we send the BC as a quote to our customer. 1. Is it possible to customise the 'BC template' in WF 2. Can anyone suggest a way to easily convert the WF footer into one with our business branding? Thanks
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Laura, I don't believe it is currently possible to remove the WF footer images from the WF Business Case pdf report from within WF; presumably, that is As Designed by WF. Nor, unfortunately, do I believe there is an easy way you to supress it from outside WF; although if you are willing to be sneaky, you might be able to analyze the report, determine the source of the undesired branding image, and create a rule in your browser to block that particular image (Google the latter). However, it is possible that the pdf generation would still pull the image in, or of not, likely that some form of residual alternate text would still appear in its place. If you feel strongly enough that the image is hurting your business process, I suppose you could edit each pdf electronically and paste a white box over it on each footer (ehm...think "summer student job"). Alternatively, I invite you to consider our Magic Reports solution, and have us tailor a made-to-measure Quote Report that fits perfectly, and is monogrammed with (only) your logo. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Hi, Laura. Is it possible you can share this PDF file? I would be interested in seeing their version as it may help us. Thank you.


Level 6
Hi Susan Sample attached. It's really only the footer and it's ok that the Workfront logo is on there but we really want to add our own logo as well - even if it's just at the top of the page. Thanks