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Is it possible to limit who can add or remove team members to tasks?


Level 2

Quick question to folks in charge of resource management.

Despite multiple reminders, we still have a few team members who remove themselves or add others to project tasks. Is there a way to limit this to just a group or individuals with a plan license? It really complicates resourcing on projects.

Maybe this is an easy thing to do and I am missing, but I could really use some help here.


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1 Antwort


Level 9

Hi David,

You've got a couple layers of options to address that one -

  • Setup - Tasks & Issues - The global setting for 'When someone is assigned a task' would allow you to grant Contribute access, but explicitly revoke 'Make Assignments'
    • That setting can be controlled Group by Group, so you could focus that security restriction on your problem children without affecting your entire implementation
  • If that global setting were overkill, you could implement the same functionality template by template as well. That would not prevent someone creating the project from re-allowing it, but that's a fairly extreme risk.
  • Failing that, Fusion might be an option but that level is a bit beyond my skillset.
