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Integration with Microsoft Teams


Level 1
I am looking for user experiences integrating Workfront with Microsoft Teams. The test integration I have set up sends Workfront updates to my Outlook 365 Inbox rather than to Teams, yet there seems to be no place to change settings (perhaps this is a Workfront Admin thing?) and the documentation and discussion boards are not much help. Any advice, links to documentation pages I may have missed or shared experiences would be helpful. Thanks. Joel Martin Program Manager Secureworks

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21 Replies


Level 5
Hi Joel, Are you testing the "https://www.workfront.com/integrations/ms-teams">native, free integration of Workfront with MS Teams ? It can send you notifications about new assignment, comments and approval requests, and, very soon, will allow to submit new requests from Teams to Workfront. Hayk Falakyan Workfront


Level 4
I've just started testing as well so I've just been through the documentation; there isn't much out there. Would love to hear what you've got so far. Elizabeth Ross J Jill


Level 1
I am testing out the MS Teams integration. I'm able to get everything to work with the exception of receiving new Workfront notifications from within MS Teams. I have read >this article on managing Workfront notifications, and have made sure my settings are configured to get new notifications for all types of notifications. I've specifically tested out having a colleague assign me to a new task, and a mentioning me in an update on a task. Has anyone else had this issue or could provide guidance on how to address this? Scott Jones Harvard Alumni Affairs and Development


Level 8
Hi Scott, one quick check...was the project that you were testing on a Current project? I believe the project has to be in Current status. I have been testing the MS Teams integration out as well over the past week, and I have been receiving notifications OK. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 1
Hi Terry - Yes it was on a current project. In fact, I'm receiving the notification in Workfront and in email but not in MS Teams. (And I have all of the settings switched to "on" for receiving the notification). I'm able to do everything else: lookup tasks/projects, add a new personal task, etc. Thanks for the reply - if you think of any other possible things to check I'm all ears! Scott Scott Jones Harvard Alumni Affairs and Development


Level 8
And, you have the latest version installed, correct? (Click on the "About" tab in the installed app. Latest version is 1.1.0) I'm guessing you do, but just double-checking. I had to uninstall and then reinstall the app the other day, as I had originally downloaded the app before they released their latest version a few weeks ago -- it was not showing me the new Settings or Requests tabs. I had thought that the downloaded app would update automatically, but it did not in my case. Now, I have access to and see the Settings and Requests tab. Anyway, when I had originally downloaded the app (the old version), I was having issues with receiving notifications, and after speaking with Support, I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it (the old app), and the notifications started working. I don't know how or why -- they just did after the reinstall. If you are still encountering the notification issue, I would suggest perhaps try uninstall and then reinstall, and if problem still persists, I would suggest contacting Workfront Support. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 1
Thanks, Terry - I have the most recent version, and tried installing/re-installing it but no luck. Will contact customer support. Thanks so much for your attempts to help! Scott Jones Harvard Alumni Affairs and Development


Level 1
Were you ever able to resolve this? I am testing the MS Teams integration and having the same issue. Madison Schanbacher Ferguson Marketing Operations


Level 1
Hi Madison - I was able to resolve it, but I'm not sure what I did that fixed it. When I contacted customer support the problem magically disappeared on its own. One of those issues where I looked crazy for thinking there was ever a problem. It's been a couple of weeks now and the issue has not come back yet. May be worth contacting customer support for your issue as well - who knows, maybe the problem will also magically disappear for you? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Scott Jones Harvard Alumni Affairs and Development


Level 1
Has anyone had any luck receiving notifications in Teams and if so, was there something specific that had to be done to make it happen? I have all the notification settings switched over to the ON position. I'm receiving email notifications but nothing in Teams. Thank you. Sean Nestle gyro Sean Nestle gyro


Level 10
Hi Sean - I get notifications in Teams (both the desktop application and my mobile app). Do you have the Workfront app installed in your instance of Teams? You will see the Workfront chat bot. That is where the notifications go. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 8
And, just to add on to what Anthony said, if you have the Workfront app installed, also be sure that you are logged in to Workfront from it. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 2

When you reply to a Workfront Update in Teams, we need to be able to Add  - @TaG another person and add them to the thread if needed, just like in Workfront,


Level 8
Does anyone use Teams and Workfront both to manage work/projects? What sort of parameters do you have as to when work goes in Teams and when it should be in WF? Mohini Sinha, CSM Project Coordinator Excelsior College


Level 1
Great question Mohini! In addition to what work/projects gets put into WF and MS Teams, I'm wondering if anyone has provided their teams guidelines on where communication and files is stored. For example, if communicating about a project, is it best to do that through updates on a task, or in a conversation in one of the Team's channels? And where is the final "place of record" when it comes to files? Should they be stored in MS Teams or WF? Scott Jones Harvard Alumni Affairs and Development


Level 10
Hi - to be honest, we just use the current Teams integration for notifications that the Chatbot gives you. You can easily reply to an update in Teams (or grant view access to object types which I get a lot as system admin). Otherwise you can use it to easily view the item in Workfront from your teams. Unfortunately, the Teams integration isn't quite where the Slack one is where you can call forward a list of work items you need to work on or items still pending your approval (although Kathy and I met with someone from product to talk about this a few weeks ago so fingers crossed for some enhancements in 2020!) Also, we don't really use the functionality where you can search for a project, task or issue and post it into a Team Channel. Would like to use that more but we are finding the search takes too long so people just paste URLs in their channels. Also, we don't really use the Requests option in Teams because there is a bug where you can't upload a document right now and our two biggest request queues almost always have some file attached to them. But hoping that will be helpful to people once that bug is fixed. As for Scott's question about files, all projects files HAVE TO be in the Workfront project. That is the source of truth for all things related to the project. We can't have that some of them in Teams. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 2

When you reply to a Workfront Update in Teams, we need to be able to Add - @TaG another person and add them to the thread if needed, just like in Workfront,


Level 1
Hi, I am having almost the opposite of this problem. I seem to be getting three notifications in Teams for each update I have in WF. See screen cap below. The bottom 3 are all the same and come in about 10 - 15 seconds apart. Thanks in advance for any help. -AK Alan Kane


Level 5
Thank you for letting us know, Alan. I'll ask our developers to look into this. If you keep seeing the same issue, please escalate it through support channels. Hayk Falakyan Workfront


Level 2

I've installed it and it is pretty basic. I have started getting notifications for alerts that I do not have turned on. I have Teams on my phone and I woke up today with 95 alerts via Teams. However, when I logged into my email I only had 3 notifications from Workfront. Pretty annoying...