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Show a column in a view with a clickable label for a URL


Level 1

I have read around on the forum, but have been unable to find a solution that works.


I have a custom field: "GE - Frame.io URL" that is attached to a custom form on my projects.


In my projects view, I want to display the URL with a label (Go to Frame.io), but whatever I try it is not clickable.


Here's my code (that I borrowed from here

link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(GE - Frame.io URL)
valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({DE:GE - Frame.io URL}),"","Go To Frame")


Any tips?

3 Replies


Community Advisor



That code is correct and works in my instance.


Is the custom field you have setup a single line or paragraph text field? If you are using a formatted text field to store the URL you will likely find that this wont work.


Other things to check are:

  • Is the URL definitley correct
  • Are there any special/hidden characters in the text mode you have copied


Hope this helps.


Best Regards,



Level 5
link.url=customDataLabelsAsString({DE:GE - Frame.io URL})
valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({DE:GE - Frame.io URL}),"","Go To Frame")

Give this a try. Hope this helps.



Level 1

Still does not work unfortunately.


I get:

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 16.51.15.png


As pr. @Richard_Le_ comments, I double-checked the custom field settings:

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 16.52.43.png


All seems okay (also checked the HTML code, there's no <a>). Maybe there's some limitation on my instance?