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IF statement to display different fields based on creteria


Level 3
Hi all, I'm trying to create write an if statement that will show either an Project Name or Hour Type, based on whether or not the project name is "No Value" I assumed this would look something like this, but it's not quite right: displayname=Project Name or Hour Type Name textmode=true valueexpression=IF({project}.{name}="No Value",{hour type}.{name},{project}.{name}) valueformat= In excel it would look like this: IF(Project Name = "No Value", Hour Type Name, Project Name) Can someone help me with the syntax for this? Thank you, Tim Blausey Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

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3 Replies


Level 5
Try: displayname=Project Name or Hour Type Name textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({projectID}),{hour type}.{name},{project}.{name}) valueformat= Melinda Layten Technical Project Manager - API and Integration Workfront


Level 3
Thanks for the reply Melinda! You got me most of the way there with the help with the syntax. What ended up working was this, with a camel cased hourType. displayname=Project Name or Hour Type Name textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({projectID}),{hourType}.{name},{project}.{name}) valueformat= Does WorkFront have any syntax guides for textmode? Tim Blausey Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company