I have a custom field called E-Comm Request Type with the field choices of NPI, Promo, GCX Campaign, SKU Refresh, and New Retail Setup. I'm trying to do a calc field that will combine these options into two categories Revitalized or New. I've quadruple-checked my calculation below and cannot figure out what I'm missing. PLEASE HELP!
IF(E-Comm Request Type="NPI"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="Promo"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="GCX Campaign"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="SKU Refresh"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="New Retail Setup"
I also tried a version with unexpected value:
IF(E-Comm Request Type="NPI"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="Promo"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="GCX Campaign"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="SKU Refresh"
,IF(E-Comm Request Type="New Retail Setup"
,"UNEXPECTED VALUE: E-Comm Request Type = [" + E-Comm Request Type + "]"
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I gave up using anything but letters in custom parameter names years ago, Monique: they can kill you.
In this case, I suspect the calculation engine is mistaking the dash in E-Comm for a minus sign.
Dropping the dash could break other existing formulas and reports, so (unless you are sure there are none) I suggest you wrap it and all your other custom parameters with {curly braces}, or even better, {DE:curly braces}.
And consider quitting. Using special characters, that is.
P.S. this week, first time ever, I saw parameterValues with the prefix FROM: alongside those with DE: Does anyone know the origin story of those FROM: values?
Hi Monique - for the first one, it looks like you are missing the FALSE value if something doesn't equal all that.
I would try...
IF(E-Comm Request Type="NPI","Revitalized",IF(E-Comm Request Type="Promo","Revitalized",IF(E-Comm Request Type="GCX Campaign","Revitalized",IF(E-Comm Request Type="SKU Refresh","New",IF(E-Comm Request Type="SKU Refresh","New","")))))
I just added a ,"" before your brackets.
The facepalm I made as I read that. I didn't even think about the hyphen in E-Comm and now I'm kicking myself three times. Once for not thinking of it, and again for insisting we stay consistent and renaming EComm to E-Comm EVERYWHERE. Ugh, hindsight. And for anyone wondering... the third time is due to the fact that after doing all of the above it still wasn't working and I realized I missed one double quote mark
Thank you so so much Doug for rescuing me once again! This was killing me!!
I have not seen or heard anything about the FROM: but I'm intrigued
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