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How to Use Baselines?


Level 10
I've tried to find via Workfront a good explanation of how this works and examples of reporting. Any PM's out there able to provide greater insight? Examples? Thank you!
6 Replies


Level 10
Hi: We have determined that a Baseline represents the last approved state of the project. By state, I mean mostly labor hours and cost. WorkFront is our system of record for Labor hours. We have removed everyone’s ability to snap baselines except the PMO. We had PMs gaming the system by adjusting their forecast, then snapping a new baseline to hide the fact that they changed their forecast. When the project is moved to “Approved” status, we have it set up to automatically snap a baseline (the original baseline). When we do a change request on the project (we call them RFC, Request For Change), we enumerate them. RFC1, RFC2, and so on. When the RFC is approved, the PMO snaps a new baseline so that the default baseline is in alignment with the last approved state of the project. We have lots of reports that compare current forecast/plan to the baseline forecast/plan. That tells us how far the forecast is getting from the last approved state. If the difference between the default baseline and the current forecast/plan exceeds certain percentages, or the Go-Live date moves more than 30 days, we mandate that a RFC be completed. Baselines can only be used for comparison purposes. MS Project lets you return the current forecast to a Baseline, but WorkFront does not. You can only compare a baseline to the current plan. What specific questions do you have? What is your company thinking of doing with Baselines? What problem are you solving with Baselines? Thanks, Eric


Level 10
Hi, Eric. Thank you for this valuable input. How were able to remove everyone's ability except PMO? Is that through template layout? And, how were you able to have an automatic snap of a baseline once project is approved? Thank you!


Level 10
Hi: Exactly right. The PMO uses a different layout than everyone else. The PMO Layout is the only layout that hasn’t hidden the Baseline menu option. [cid:image001.jpg@01D29CBF.E61D1D40] Keep the questions coming! Eric


Level 10
Marvelous! How long did it take you to add all the Users to the template? LOL!! They need to have an option where you can choose system-wide and then add or remove names. When a project is approved it automatically defaults the baseline?


Level 10
Hi: It took a little while, less than a half hour to adjust the existing Layouts (with existing user assignments) to remove the Baseline. That was easy. When a project is approved, it automatically snaps a baseline, yes. Cool stuff. Eric


Community Advisor

Hi Susan,

As attached, there is an option under Setup > Project Preferences > Projects to Create baselines automatically when the Project's Status turns to Current, as Eric described. For more sophisticated business events (e.g. when the Percent Complete reaches 50%, when the Project Cost is modified, when the Project Owner changes, etc.), I invite you to consider our "


" Create Baselines solution.

