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How To Anticipate Your Manager's Approval Questions


Level 10


Hi folks,


Shout out to @skyehansen...


I had made note of your Approval Status Collection filtering technique when you first raised it, and returned to it today to DRASTICALLY simplify some project report approval filtering for one of my other SysAdmin colleagues. Instead of checking for certain Approval Step names and/or certain Approvers (which are continually evolving, and therefor required continual maintenance on multiple report filters), we adapted your approach to this pattern:






Using the above in a filter on a Project report:


  • the logged in user ($$USER.ID) can now easily see
  • any Project where they were among those people approving the project (stepApprover) that is
  • Awaiting Approval (AA) by their manager ($$User.managerID)
  • from their manager's perspective -- as if they could "Log In As" their manager
  • prepare for questions accordingly


This approach ensures the accuracy, transparency, and real-timeliness of the information, AND (bonus marks) by focusing on the USER.ID and USER.managerID, spares the SysAdmin the effort and frustration of trying to keep up with evolving Approval Path logic.


Thank you again: this was huge win.




1 Reply


Community Advisor

thanks, it's always nice to see an evolution on original design. I'm not very experienced with exists statements combined with the AND function, so this example is nice to see as well.


I'll leave this a few days in the "questions" section but will eventually move it to "discussions"