We don't have a staging site in order to distribute new web pages as proofs, and we can't go live with pages that aren't reviewed and approved. We've tried screen grabs but even as a PDF the text isn't recognized as such and so there is no text to select for editing in a comment. Does anybody else have this situation and found a solution where a website screen grab can have editable text for proofing, similar to how a native PDF acts?
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Hi Jill,
Instead of uploading a screen shot, you should be able to generate an interactive proof allowing you to view the website through the proofing tool and recognise text for mark up.
Take a look at this article on Workfront One here which explains how to do this.
Best Regards,
Yes we use interactive proofs but they have to be for a live website. We can't make the web pages live until it is approved and we don't have a staging site either (I don't know why we don't have a staging site but it's some big long complicated answer that nobody understands unless they speak Russian). What she is doing is making the page live, getting a screenshot, and then shutting it off. The screenshot is the problem - it's an image and so there is no text editing.
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HI Jill,
There are two ways of creating an interactive proof. The first (and indeed simplest!) way is to generate a proof using a URL. The other way is to package up a zip file containing the HTML, javascript, CSS etc and upload that. If your web developer is able to do this, then potentially there will be no need to publish the website in order to generate a screen shot.
Best Regards,
Thanks for the advice Richard. That also doesn’t work for us due to XML feeds that populate the pages. Ideally we are looking for a tool that would capture the full page screenshot and recognize the text and hyperlinks automatically so we can get the best representation of the page in a PDF..
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