Hello community!
I'm creating an audit report of my users to ensure they are set up properly. One of the things I'm looking for is to ensure that everyone in a specific org is part of a team. I can filter by home team ID because that's a singular entity. But the teamIDs seems to be a string list based on what others have said so checking whether a specific id is "in" that "list" doesn't seem possible at a cursory glance. I thought about using EXISTS or NOTEXISTS but the User object doesn't have teamIDs available.
To reiterate using an example, given:
User A's teams: Team 1, Team 2, and Team 3
User B's teams: Team 2, Team 3
User C's team: Team 1, Team 3
I want a list of all users NOT in Team 1, so User B would be the only user on the report/filter returned.
Any thoughts on this?