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How do I show in a task report chart the tasks that were "late" and "on time"?


Level 2

I'm working on a task report and wanting to show in a chart the tasks that were "late" and "on time". My groupings are 1) Project >> Name and 2) Task >> Project Status. Left (Y) axis on the chart is 'Record Count" and bottom (X) axis is "Project Name". The chart results for all the projects are 36 for all the projects, there's nothing for "On Time" or "Late". There are completed tasks in the projects that are past the due date. The other issue is that the Days late are all "0" even when the task completed weeks after the due date. What am I doing wrong? :(


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1 Akzeptierte Lösung


Korrekte Antwort von
Level 10

Hi - I would talk to Support. Something isn't right. When I put those dates in my instance I'm seeing Late for Progress Status.

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6 Antworten


Level 10

Hi @Diana Tucker‚ - Are you just looking at completed tasks? You might want to try grouping by Project >> Name and then Task >> Progress Status. When an actual completion date is put on a task, the projected completion date matches that. That means the Progress status is either Late on On Time. You can then do your chart to be by project name, click "Group Bars" and then select Stacked to show Late and On Time (you can also customize the color).


If you are including all tasks, note that Behind and At Risk will also show up as well.

This is the easy way to do it. There is also some tricks with calculated fields on custom forms. And even one with custom columns in a report but that requires text mode so you can't do a chart (just a list with groupings).

Hope that helps. :)


Level 2

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for responding.

My only filters are the projects I want to see. My groupings are as you suggested, in that order. I have task completion dates that are past the Planned Completion date, yet the tasks still show "On Time". A couple of images are attached. Please note the "Days Late" are all "0"


Level 2


Level 2


Korrekte Antwort von
Level 10

Hi - I would talk to Support. Something isn't right. When I put those dates in my instance I'm seeing Late for Progress Status.


Level 2

Thank you! I've been going crazy trying to figure this out!