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How can the project list only show projects that the logged-in user has unfinished task in? What do I need to put in the filter?


Level 7

I've attached how I have the filter set up. I want the filter to be so that any incomplete task assigned to the logged-in user shows up in the main project list. The way I have it set now, projects still appear even though the logged-in user task may be complete for those projects. Because other tasks assigned to other users are still open, it appears. What am I missing?


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1 Reply


Level 10

Hi - based on your screenshot, it looks like you are using an Assignment object type report. What you have in the screenshot looks correct (although I usually add a task status filter like "task status does not equal complete" so if the other assignee has completed the task, it won't show up just because I personally haven't hit the done with my part button - which is what Assignment Status looks at)

So I'm assuming based on the title, you are looking for a project list instead of an assignment list. Meaning you don't care so much about the individual tasks that are left for the user, just which projects. Is that correct?

I have some text mode that might help. Create a project report and first put all the project filters you want (i.e. project status does not equate with complete, dead or on hold, etc.). Once you have all the project filters down, switch to text mode and add







This EXIST filter goes down to the assignment level object type and looks for assignments assigned to users, but also makes sure those assignments only belong to tasks that are not complete yet.

Again, it will only say "Project ABC" and not all the tasks the user has incomplete on there, but once the last task is done for the user, the project goes off their list.

Hope that helps :)