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How can I find all tasks that DO NOT have a custom form attached?


Level 4

Hi All - is there a way to find all tasks that DO NOT have a custom form attached?

I'm using some custom calculations at the task level, and somehow some tasks were created without the custom from that controls these calculations (even though it was part of the template).

Anyway, looking for a way that I can find all tasks that do not have a custom form so I can bulk add them.



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3 Replies


Level 10

Hi Kris, a task report with the "Category ID IS BLANK" as a filter should do the trick! --Narayan


Level 7

Hey Kris,

If there is a calculated field on your report that always populated when attached, you could run a report for that field being blank. Or you could use a report filter like this:


Hope that helps!


Level 4

@NRYN R - inactive‚ and @Sarah Nau‚ -

Thank you both so much. That did it! Saved me a TON of time!