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Adding Users To The People's Tab On A Template


Level 4



I am attempting to add a user to some Templates, but not in a way that assigns them to any work in the project. I remember there being an option on Templates to add users to the People's tab but I no longer see that option.


Is what I am trying to achieve possible on the Template level?




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3 Replies


Level 3

Hi Eric, 


I believe you can't directly add a User to the People Tab. However, as soon as you add a User to an Assignment for a Task, that User is added to the People Tab (I'm sure you are already aware of this. :-)). The good news is, you can remove the User from the Task Assignment and that User will still be in the People Tab (For some people, this is not a good thing.) This way you don't preload the User to a Task for all Projects convert with the template. 


If your goal for adding Users to a template is to inform on Projects created from said template, I might suggestion adding those Users to Project Sharing for that Template. 


I hope this helps.




Employee Advisor

You can manually add users to the People tab of a project, but not a template. But curious as to why a user would need to be added, if they aren't assigned work? Is it like what Joaquin mentioned below in that they need to be notified of new projects, or it it something different?


Level 1

I had a situation where our template had a team assigned to tasks. The individual members of the team weren't receiving notifications, unless they were manually added to the project on the People tab. (This information was from Workfront support.) 

I wanted to add the individuals to the People tab on the template, so the project manager wouldn't need to remember to do that each time a project was created.


I'm going to try Madalyn's trick, of adding the person to a task on the template (which will add them to the People tab) but then unassign them from the task.