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Hi there, just reaching out to see if anyone working for a Creative agency is struggling with the Workload balancer when it comes to creatives viewing the work they have on? I am unable to find a simplified or visual view.


Level 3

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64 Replies


Level 3

I missed most of this thread, but the Workload Balancer is NOT an effective way to schedule projects. Maybe I'm missing something but the way we have our instance structured, I can assign jobs within the project using scheduler by role. I'm finding the workload balancer, I have to assign each task which is very time consuming.



Hi Mary, assigning users in bulk by role is coming to Workload Balancer with the upcoming release. Thanks.


Level 10

Hi @Ani Mkrtchyan‚

That is good but the there is no feature to move the task in the users timeline like we do in Gantt chart of project. Also, I have session to test this Workload Balancer but there is no option to change the start date or duration. Which is extremely helpful for project / resource manager to manage balance between user about workload.




Level 4

@Tammy Weaver-Stoike‚ Unfortunately I was off-site today and missed your email. Please share if you came up with something on the call. It would be good to see if we are struggling with the same issues so maybe Workfront could address this for us. Many thanks


Level 10

Hi @Tammy Weaver-Stoike‚

Its good that you organized a call on Workload balancer. From my belief a lot of improvement is required. Even assigning tasks in new update last week. The task can be assigned to from un-assignment to assignment based upon filters created. But still we are missing moving task in the same timeline which was available and very helpful in legacy Team task view (now removed). I agree with @Mary Fox‚ the usage was also good, but still scheduling misses the same thing and many more. In this regard, I also tried to communicated many times with Workfront including @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ and others.

Seems resource planning and management is still a second priority for Workfront. But from my experience and knowledge it is a really big challenge in each industry type.

Have a nice day!




Level 3

Marta, our group had a great discussion yesterday and we are planning a follow-up call for next week. If you send me your email address I can add you to the meeting invite.


Level 4

@Tammy Weaver-Stoike‚ thank you! my email address: marta.sowa@skybettingandgaming.com


Level 3

Marta, I've added you to the Zoom meeting next week.


Level 3

Following, as this is an issue for us as well.


Level 3

Amy, send me your email if you'd like to be added to the Zoom call I've scheduled for next week. A group of us had a great discussion last week and decided to continue it with another call. It's Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 3 p.m. (EST).


Community Advisor

We struggle with this as well. I'm balancing & re-balancing schedules constantly and it seems like a losing battle - you have everything perfect, then someone pushes out a date or enters time-off and you're back to the drawing board. I'd love the chance to participate in your Zoom call, but I have another meeting. Please share what you can in this thread, I'll be looking forward to hearing your feedback 😊


Level 10

Hi @Tammy Weaver-Stoike‚

Could it possible for me also to join the above discussion? My email: kundan.kumar@kvernelandgroup.com

Best regards,



Level 3

Hi Kundan, you've been added to the invite.


Level 10

Thank you @Tammy Weaver-Stoike‚ for adding me in the invitation. But due to my child sickness, I missed it on this tuesday. Any recording which can I refer or please add me in your next session.

Thanks and regards,

Kundan Kumar.


Level 7

We are in a similar struggle. We just don't have the resources to continually update the plans & planned hours to use WL Balancer the way it was intended. Plus resources have so many projects with similarly named tasks. And resources are very bad about updating tasks as completed and planned hours. We tend to go back to the resources' guts to say if they are over/underallocated.


Level 3

Hi Sarah,

Would you like me to add you to the Zoom call we have scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 3 p.m. EST? Several other WF users will be on the call to discuss the Workload Balancer and other Workfront challenges. If so, send me your email.


Level 7

@Tammy Weaver-Stoike‚

I would have loved to join, but I am in an all-day department meeting on Tuesday 10/26, but I will follow this thread. So sorry I can't join.


Level 3

Hi Tammy! I'd love to join this call as well if possible. We faced similar issues when I was the WF Admin at Chobani. Would love to hear about everyone's pain points and how they're troubleshooting. My email is: Christine.Zhu-ext@ab-Inbev.com

Thank you!



Level 3

@Sarah Wilkerson‚ just curious, are your creatives required to fill out timesheets?


Level 7

Hi @Christine Zhu‚

Yes, our full in house creative agency including the designers fill out timesheets