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Hi Community! is there a way to add a thumbnail on a project so it displays with the project name?


Level 4
Hi Community! is there a way to add a thumbnail on a project so it displays with the project name? KInd of how an user can add a picture of him/her. Thanks
10 Replies


Level 10
Hi Patricia, You can (easily) show the photo of the Project Owner or Project Sponsor in a list view of a Project. To have a specific image for each Project is trickier. But can be done. 1. Create a small image (e.g. 200x200 pixels, png, gif, or jpg) for the project 2. Upload it as a document under the project 3. Click "Open" on the right sidebar of the image; it will open in its own browser tab 4. Copy the URL from that browser tab (e.g. https://yourdomain.attask-ondemand.com/document/preview?versionID=55ea3c64001d43751200148389ae80fd&I... 5. Paste that into the URL of the Project 6. Whew! Still with me? 7. Now, in a Project View, add a column that will REFER to that URL but display it as an image, like this: image.height=100 image.name=Link Project image.valuefield=URL link.linkproperty.0.name=projectID link.linkproperty.0.value=ID link.lookup=link.edit link.page=/view link.valuefield=objCode link.valueformat=val textmode=true type=image valueformat= If all works well, you'll then see the unique images of each Project for which you do this in your list report. I've uploaded an example -- the pictures being the Oil & Gas location to which the Project pertain. Hmm...you could even use this technique for a catalog...interesting... Regards, Doug


Level 4
Thanks so much! I will give it a try


Level 3
An easier method could be to simply create a dummy user in the system, upload a thumbnail, and set them as the project owner. This assumes that the thumbnail is more important than assigning an actual project owner of course. ;) Good luck! Sincerely, Tom Ford, CSPO Marketing Software Administrator Career Builder 200 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60601 D: 312-698-0594 M: 312-273-0393 Connect with me at: https://join.me/tomford82


Level 10
That's pretty cool, Doug. Very inventive.... :)


Level 5

Hey Doug- I tried what you suggested but didn't work- see screen shot? can you tell from what displayed- what i did wrong? If not- I can give you some other info.....




Level 10
Hi Karen. I'd guess that the URL to your file is invalid; you can test it by typing it in a new browser tab's URL -- once the picture shows up, you've got it right. Regards, Doug


Level 1
I tried this approach with some success. I had to use an external location for the images (SharePoint). When I copy the link from an image stored in the workfront project documents using the specified procedure, it initially displays then stops after a few refreshes. Anderson Lowrie Arthrex


Level 1
I've recently seen some people simply copy and past an emoji to be used in the title of the project. Google does this and it seemed very effective. Scott McKell Workfront


Level 10
Awesome Scott - thanks! Now that emoticons are A Thing, simply copying and pasting them into the Project Name is MUCH easier than all the pokery-jiggery the last guy suggested on this post to yoink picture in for the Project...wait..that was...me. And Past bows yet again to Future, conceeding the torch. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Community Advisor
That's interesting, and brings to mind some other application areas where emoji could be used. Perhaps someone could have a custom task status that equates to complete but the name of the status is ‚úÖ . Typically when you display an icon in a report through the advanced settings, you lose the ability to edit that value inline, but this approach would actually show " ‚úÖ " throughout the system, even as a dropdown value. Or perhaps each of your teams could be identified with an emoji mascot, like " Budget Team üêò " and in cases where you want a column to display the team but are trying to save space, you show only the " üêò " symbol. At the very least, it can serve as a casual way for users to tag an object like a task, issue, or project with a unique character that makes the object easily grouped, filtered, or searched for without having to use or update custom fields. For example, append a task name with " üìé " as a reminder that documents still need to be attached to the task, and then delete the emoji from the task name once that's done. Some uses may be less practical than others, but there are certainly some interesting possibilities! William English
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