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Help with showing percent in IF statement for Custom Form


Hi All - I am trying to create a custom form field to show the % variance from 2015 to 2016 with an IF statement to display 'No 2016 Data' if we have not received it yet. I have created a custom field for 2015 Valuation and 2016 Valuation; in the 2016 % Change field I am using the following: CONCAT(IF(2016 Valuation>0,(ROUND(PROD(DIV(SUB(2016 Valuation-2015 Valuation)/2015 Valuation)*100),2,"%")),"No 2016 Data")) However, the % sign is not showing up on my report. Does anyone have ideas to make this work? I have tried putting in {} around the custom fields and doesn't change (Workfront actually automatically changes it back to what is above). I feel like the "%" should be between the two ) after, but it says that it is an invalid expression when I move it there. Help! Thanks!
2 Replies


Level 3
Hi Sarah, I think the following would do what you're looking for: IF(2016 Valuation>0,CONCAT(ROUND(PROD(DIV(SUB(2016 Valuation-2015 Valuation)/2015 Valuation)*100),2),"%"),"No 2016 Data") Kathy


Kathy - you are amazing, thank you!!!