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Help! - Software development project help needed


Level 2
For those that have worked on a software development project, do you typically create 2 separate tasks for "Create Test Scripts" and "Run Test Scripts"? I feel like it will bloat the project, however those tasks are done by 2 different people at 2 different phases in the project. Any suggestions/tips? Thanks! Melissa

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4 Replies


Level 10
{{Melissa}} Yes we do. We do it because different people do those tasks, and the tasks overlap, and we need to know when the test scripts are done. That is a date we pay attention to. The two tasks run in parallel to some degree, as well. If they were all in one task, we wouldn’t have visibility into when the test scripts are all complete. If your team were organized such that the person that develops the test script is also the person that runs it, and they do parallel test script development and testing, especially refinement of the test script as they start testing, it wouldn’t make sense to split the work into two tasks, in my opinion. The purpose of adding a task is to manage someone’s expectations, in my opinion. Those expectations need to be crisply defined. Because we’re dealing with separate deliverables from separate people, I’d risk bloating the project to get more clear role clarification and to better set expectations regarding that work. That’s just me, though. Hope this helps! Eric


Level 10
I agree with Eric, Meissa; but depending on your situation, consider instead making the second task an approval of the first, if a) it takes little time or lag, b) doesn't need reporting on, and c) might result in rejecting and revising the first task. Regards, Doug