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Help! placing fields on custom forms


Level 3
I'm a newbie so forgive me if this is something I should know. What is the best way to place a field on a custom form exactly at the place I want it on a form? When I add a field (whether from the library or new), it always goes to the bottom of my form. Then I have to drag it where I want it. As the form gets bigger, this is more and more difficult. Is there a way to add it and place it in the right spot at the same time? AND, how do I take a field out of the section that says "These fields will share a row"? Sometimes I don't want one of the fields in there to be on the same row. Also, I find it difficult to place fields as I am dragging them into where I want them. The line that shows up which will be in the same row shows and I slide the field down to try not to put it in the same row but its own row. I find myself sliding all around trying to get it to just the right spot. Is there an easier way?? Mavis Moon
4 Replies


Community Advisor
Hi Mavis, Intuiting the sweet spots to drag and drop custom parameters on forms takes some practice, so to help you build up the right muscle memories, here are a few tips: click an existing parameter first, then add the nee parameter to have it inserted immediately following the existing parameter drag and drop a parameter to the right of another parameter to have both enclosed in a rectangle, confirming that they will be presented on the same line within the custom form (providing there is sufficient horizontal space to do so; otherwise, browser wrapping will occur) to break a parameter onto its own line, drag it out (typically below) of the containing rectangle...or in a pinch (if that’s too irksome), remove it, the (BEFORE applying or saving the form, lest yee lose yer data) the re-add it in the new location consider using parameter sections on a custom form for logical separation, easier drag and drop by section maintenance, and (optionally) to set security restrictions by section (NOTE: be aware that such security setting sometimes "leak" onto following sections, so as a general best practice, it is prudent to locate such security-sensitive sections at the bottom of the form) to reduce scrolling when dragging a parameter or section a long distance on a form, consider clicking the item in question, zooming your browser out a ridiculous amount (eg 25% using [ctrl]+[-]), dragging as needed to get it close, then zooming in (using [ctrl]+[+]) to drag it to the desired location when making major revisions to a form, consider copying the form, getting it Just So, adding it (via bulk edit) to EVERY item with the existing custom form (lest yee lose yer data), inspect to confirm the new fotm looks good and is populated, then and ONLY then delete the original form, and (finally) rename the copy back to the original name Back in the day, before the maximum 500 parameter cap per form was introduced (in no small part due to yours truly), I regularly maintained custom forms with 1700+ parameters across our multiple (Oil & Gas) clients. Even with the tricks above, doing so manually became so tedious, time consuming, and challenging that we developed (and in due course, made available to the public) our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/populate-category-generator/" Update Category Generator and "https://store.atappstore.com/product/populate-category/" Update Category solutions, which allow you to export, then manipulate and update (respectively) a form's definition using Excel (SO much easier), including formulas, but excluding form logic. Whichever path you choose, Happy Trails...and do watch your step. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 3
Thanks for the tips, Doug. Very helpful! I have a question about the first one in your list "click an existing parameter first, then add the new parameter to have it inserted immediately following the existing parameter." I wanted to do this and tried, but it isn't possible from what I can tell. When I click on a parameter, I'm in the "Field Settings" tab, and in order to add a field, I have to go to the "Add a Field" tab, at which time, my click/selection goes away -- it's not selected any more. So every field added goes to the very bottom. Does that make sense? Is there some way to keep a field selected while adding a new one? I checked out the two tools you linked to and will try to read them more closely and understand them. Thanks. Mavis Moon mmoon@pivotinteriors.com


Community Advisor
Mmm...if the click trick isn't working, Mavis, I suggest you scroll to the target location, then from the Add A Field tab, drag (vs double clicking) the new parameter type from the left list (eg text, dropdown, etc) and drop it into the target location on the right (then nudge as necessary). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 3
Hey, that works well! When adding a field from the library, you can drag it right to the spot, and when adding a new field, you can drag one of the choices (like "Single Line Text Field" or "Drop down" to the spot, then fill in the details. Thank you, Doug! Mavis Moon mmoon@pivotinteriors.com