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HELP!!! Just want to show time off...is that so hard?


Level 9
I've scoured the community, looked everywhere in Workfront, looked in the resource planning, timesheet scheduling....the whole she-bang. Is there any successful way to see the time that was booked forward from a user (such as PTO or or vacation). Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Signed - the noob. Christina Jarosz Ascensus
24 Replies


Level 5
We're at the beginning of our Workfront Core use and about to "launch" within a month. This item just came up with our core advisory team (we playfully renamed the Braintrust). I was concerned the PTO calendar and Work calendars were not connected for Resource Planning and reporting. This thread seems to bear that out and that seems to be a critical miss for Workfront and many other systems. Even if the PTO and work calendars worked together for singular reporting and proper resourcing many in our departments would still balk at entering their time off in Workfront as they already do so in our Accounting system and in our Email system which we use for meetings of course. For the latter issue, I need a better understanding of how Workfront and Office 365 share calendars. We have a weekly production meeting - some have daily standups - and I'd like to move into doing them live out of Workfront once fully launched. If this is manageable I am considering entering the OOO the time while in the meeting—possibly to an OOO project like others and possibly skip the PTO calendar option. We typically cover that in our weeklies anyway. Tammie Bouchard National Safety Council


Level 10
Hi @Dustin Martin - thanks for looking into it, though it's a shame to hear that this is still not seen as a priority. To me it seems like such low-hanging fruit. I reckon a junior developer could knock this out in a day or two and it would make so many customers VERY happy. David Cornwell


Level 7
Hey David, While I'm not a developer, I can for sure say that while some things may seem simple, I've learned (through lengthy internal conversations) that so many areas can be touched by simple features. It would definitely be a good idea to submit an idea via the Idea Exchange, and once it hits 450 points (45 upvotes) it can be reviewed by our Product teams. Thanks! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
I guess this one is fairly close and has 1620 points already, but has been marked as 'Not Planned' unfortunately: >https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSAnAAO/detail David Cornwell