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Has anyone tried to duplicate the update feed from the old My Work page?


Community Advisor

I have a user that relies on it and doesn't want to move to NWE. After checking out how they use it, I have to agree. I started trying to duplicate it with a Note report but it's nowhere near as robust as the original.

In the original, you can reply inline and view running conversations. it shows updates to items assigned to you, by you, to your teams and your tagged updates. I can probably get the latter part OK but the running conversation and inline editing seems not doable.

Any ideas?


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7 Replies


Level 3

Hi Randy,

Does this user have a paid (work/plan) or free (request/review) license?


Community Advisor

Yes, it's a Planner license.


Level 3

Are you talking about this page:

In NWE have them navigate to their profile page (global nav waffle icon > Click on their name in the upper left of that pop up). This will take them to the their User Profile. There's an Updates option in the left nav.

If this is the area you're referring to, they can pin it to their top nav so they can get back to it quickly.

Funny/interesting/not great news (depends on how you look at

it). The pin will be the person's name since we are not currently able to

rename pins (hopeful this will change).


Community Advisor

I'm referring to going to Classic and selecting "My Work" instead of "Home".

It's a running conversation that groups conversations together much like Outlook or Slack.

It looks like this:0694X00000DUWjsQAH.png


Level 3

Ah, I haven't seen that interface in a long time! That's legacy legacy.


Level 4

@Randy Roberts‚ there's an Idea that's collecting votes to bring this capability back in NWE (this request mentions Collaborator/Reviewer users but just as relevant to your use case I believe): https://one.workfront.com/s/idea/0874X000000oO1AQAU/detail


Community Advisor