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Group by Custom Fiscal Years on Matrix report


Level 3
Hello! We are in the proces of running a year over year comparision of some custom data. I've built this matrix report, but the grouping is only allowing for calendar years. Looking for any suggestions that might allow me to group by customized Fiscal year. Thank you! Kat

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5 Replies


Level 10
Hi: I drop it to Excel and do it that way. My frustration level is much lower and it is much more versatile for reporting quickly. Sorry, WorkFront, I wish it were straightforward to do fiscal year, fiscal month, fiscal week comparisons. WorkFront doesn’t understand any fiscal calendar other than the solar calendar. Thanks, Eric


Level 3
Hi Eric, Figured as much... Oh well, back to excel I go! Thanks for your note and have a great day!


Level 8
We have several calculated custom fields on the issue and project forms. Mine are all to determine the quarter, but this could easily be modified for Fiscal Year. I have them for Entry Date, Actual Completion Date, etc. IF(ISBLANK(Actual Completion Date),"Incomplete", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("10/27/12"), "FY13Q1", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("01/26/13"), "FY13Q2", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("04/28/13"), "FY13Q3", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("07/27/13"), "FY13Q4", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("10/26/13"), "FY14Q1", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("01/26/14"), "FY14Q2", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("04/27/14"), "FY14Q3", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("07/27/14"), "FY14Q4", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("10/25/14"), "FY15Q1", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("01/24/15"), "FY15Q2", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("04/26/15"), "FY15Q3", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("07/26/15"), "FY15Q4", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("10/25/15"), "FY16Q1", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("01/24/16"), "FY16Q2", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("05/01/16"), "FY16Q3", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("07/31/16"), "FY16Q4", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("10/30/16"), "FY17Q1", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("01/29/17"), "FY17Q2", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("04/30/17"), "FY17Q3", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("07/30/17"), "FY17Q4", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("11/05/17"), "FY18Q1", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("02/04/18"), "FY18Q2", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("05/06/18"), "FY18Q3", IF(Actual Completion Date < DATE("08/05/18"), "FY18Q4", "FY19"))))))))))))))))))))))))) [cid:image002.jpg@01D223C6.87B94B10]


Level 3
Thank you, Adina! This is great, I'll give this a shot. :)


Level 10
Hello. I had this exact question and the WF Help said it was possible with grouping planned completion date and then selecting quarter...it has not worked. Thank you.