In my instance we have a project view that was created by a previous admin that displays the actual day a task has a planned start date (ex. "Monday", or "Tuesday"), however what users have noticed is that day being displayed is often incorrect, usually a day later of so. I did some digging and noticed a lot of these tasks have time stamp for 5:00PM, even on planned start date fields, and the tasks generally all have ASAP contraints. Here's the code that was used on the Day of the Week field:
displayname=Start On Weekday valueexpression=CASE(DAYOFWEEK({plannedStartDate}),"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") valueformat=HTML
and for the Due On Weekday field:
displayname=Due On Weekday valueexpression=CASE(DAYOFWEEK({plannedCompletionDate}),"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") valueformat=HTML
any advice on how to get these calculated fields to populate correctly? Or is it as simple as going into the project templates and making sure the timestamps are accurate?
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Has this been happening all along, or have your users suddenly noticed that the days are wrong?
You should definitely make sure your timestamps reflect the intention. If it's honestly due at 5PM then that's when it's due.
Separate to your project timeline accuracy though, it feels a bit buggy if the valueexpression isn't displaying the right day, so I'd love to have you submit a case to Support as well. It feels like several other companies have noticed date errors happening in other parts of the system, so I'd like to at least see if this is related, and give Workfront a chance to get it right.
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In addition to what Skye advises, check your project schedule and time zones as well as your task assignee's schedules and time zones. If they don't match, the times and even days will be off.
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