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Fun ideas for ongoing Workfront Education


Level 2
I'm looking for Workfront admin who have fun ideas RE: ongoing WF education. I'm trying to workshop some myself to get our creative team more jazzed about being diligent WF users, but then I thought the community might have something better. Here’s what I was throwing around: WORKFRONT POP QUIZ: First person to answer correctly wins a Starbucks gift card! Q: What’s the name of the tool that WorkFront uses for inline proofing?? A: ProofHQ (And other basic questions like this.) -or- WORKFRONT POP-UP CONTEST: Screenshot your WF browser screen- the creative team member with the FEWEST unread notifications wins a Starbucks gift card! (This was me trying to come up with a way to reward designers who actually keep up with their notifications, but then I remembered that you can click “Mark all as seen” at any given time and go down to 0, so I had to toss this idea out..) And then of course, there’s Lunch and Learns… Because everybody loves a free lunch. I realize this may not be something a lot of folks have tried, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask! :)
30 Replies


Level 6
We’ve just started a bi-weekly ‘Workfront Surgery’ which is an informal drop in session and it’s been very popular. I give a ‘Lion Bar’ (chocolate bar in UK) to everyone who attends. We’re an IT department of about 110 which includes a PMO. For these Surgeries, representatives from our SharePoint, Support and Architecture teams have been in attendance too to help answer questions specific to their processes within Workfront. It’s going well! We just started a Yammer group too under the same name and this is where I post my Weekly Tips - often as Camtasia videos - rather than spamming inboxes. I also post interesting facts about WF as well as quick tips or new discoveries. Hope this helps…. Good luck! Laura Ray Project Support Analyst Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com< [cid:image002.png@01D21996.3DC51280]


Level 10
We create monthly newsletters (following new releases) to highlight new functionality and tips/tricks that are relevant to our user base. We also have been holding "WF Weeks" at our various agencies that have been on the tool for at least one year, to hold training refresher sessions, deep dives, open Q&As etc.


Level 2
So a fun thing that we've done is "Teach the Teacher; Win a Prize"! and it's after training is over, for a set amount of time, if anybody can come up wtih something they leanred that wasn't featured in traniing? i give them a little something..can be as simple as a Starbucks card or maybe if a few pepole do, we go out for a team lunch. but my goal wiht it is to incentiveze them to learn and explore while it's fresh in their minds!


Level 1
Hi - we regularly share best practices via monthly meetings and emails. I like the idea of pop quizzes though.


Level 2
I have Workfront Refreshers to bring new people up to speed and remind the experienced user the best practices. This meeting is monthly and I reward base of project status, innovation and being a Power User. Some of the best rewards are trophy and comp days. -- Scott Adams Work together. Work smarter. Workfront. Business System Analyst Lead Global Creative Studio | Starbucks Coffee Company


Level 6
Yes, great idea. We do something similar…. I send out weekly Workfront Tips, if someone submits an idea for a Tip then they’re rewarded with a Lion Bar. Works like a charm! Laura Ray Project Support Analyst Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com< [cid:image002.png@01D21A28.18A5D1A0]


Level 2
Unfortunately we don't do anything like this, but it sounds like a great idea to keep up engagement and buy-in.


Level 2
If anyone is curious, I did end up moving forward with this idea today at our creative department's Show & Tell (a quarterly meeting where our separate creative teams show everyone what they've been working on). I started with just under 5 minutes of new features and techniques they probably weren't aware of, then for the refresher portion, I did a pop quiz and the first to answer correctly won a gift card to the local donut/coffee shop 200 feet from our office. For the REALLY curious, here were my Q&A: Q: What is the name of the button/link that you click when a task that you completed needs to go back on your work list? A: Recall or Actually, I'm not done yet (the designer who got this correct actually named BOTH!) Q: Where do you go to find a list of ALL your recently completed tasks? A: Navigate to your profile, then Accomplishments tab (This one was a struggle for them, even though I had watched one designer do it the day before! Haha. Another designer said "Your list of tasks awaiting approvals??" which is somewhat correct, but also makes me wonder what the hold up is on my feature request of adding the Accomplishments tab to the My Work page!! ;) ) Q: In what situation would you click “Done with my part” rather than just “I’m done”? (This one is pretty specific to our company) A: When you are a designer assigned to a task along with a production manager or a second contributing designer or a copywriter assigned to a task with a designer (Not surprisingly, a copywriter was the first/only person to get this right, which means that I haven't yet successfully drilled this best practice into the designers' heads!) Overall, I think it was a VERY successful way to briefly remind our team of some important Workfront features/best practices in a way that was engaging and fun, and it only cost the company $15! ;) I've attached my presentation for all the nerds like myself who love a good training deck.


Level 5
Thanks Everyone- great discussion. I'm going live tomorrow, and hope to incorporate alot of this once we're up and running. Katie- I love your last slide- empowering creatives! I just told my creative team on Friday when we were training for go love- to tell anyone asking you to do something "If it's not in workfront, it doesn't exist to us!" I think we should get t-shirts made for anyonw w/a worker license!


Level 4
We create mini handbnooks for all our systems, that has the basics and some advance features. These are laminated and handed out to new comers. Key refresher sessions have been set for users, with the WIIFM slogan, whats in it for me. And tayloring the training refresher training fo those users. We havent come up with much in the way of gimmicks, but have encouraged teams with some generously donated freebies from Workfront :)


Level 9
I've loved reading all these ideas. This thread inspired me to reach out to a few people here at Workfront to put something cool together for all of you. It should be ready in the next few days, and I'll post it in this thread... I hope this post builds a little anticipation! -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 2
This is great news Nate. I've been watching this conversation in hopes that I could glean an idea or two to help stir up more excitement with our users. Thanks for going the extra mile to get some more ideas out there for us.


Level 5
oh- can't wait!


Level 6
The suspense IS killing me….. ☺ Laura Ray Project Support Analyst Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com< [cid:image002.png@01D21E14.92242FF0]


Level 4
Thanks to everyone for jumping in and providing some awesome ideas!! You are all amazing!


Level 3
These are GREAT ideas! I went to Target and stopped in the $1 aisle to get prizes. We used those during training when people would ask great questions, answer questions correctly, collaborate with their neighbor, or think of new uses for Workfront in their daily work. We are trying to reward positive behavior and the cost was minimal.


Level 9
I got together with the Training department this week after reading this post and asked them if they had some questions that you all could used to test the knowledge/educate your teams. We ended up putting together the attached PDF with a bunch of Workfront questions. I hope it comes in handy! -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 10
Very nice. My compliments to the team that pulled this together. Thanks. Eric


Level 3
These are great questions for admin or super users. Do they have list of questions for the more basic users?


Level 2
I love this Teach the Teacher idea!!! I think this helps make the adminsitrators less intimidating to the users. Rhonda Cancino Marketing Traffic Specialist 817-252-6919 Pier 1 Imports The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw