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Filter - Count business days using text mode?


Level 5

Has anyone tried to count business days within a filter? I want to see open tasks that haven't been updated in more than 5 days. System only allows for regular days, text mode for it below.

However I want to count business days.. if i could do an "Exists" combined with an IF statement and weekdaydiff between $$TODAY and lastNote:entryDate > 5.. could that work? Text Mode gurus!!! help!

DE:USCA CC Intake Status=Closed Rejected Won't Resolve

DE:USCA CC Intake Status_Mod=notin




OR:1:DE:USCA CC Intake Status=Closed Rejected Won't Resolve

OR:1:DE:USCA CC Intake Status_Mod=notin




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1 Reply


Level 10

I usually use 1 week for 5 business days (since usually they are the same. only exception is of course when you have holidays)

Also, I tend to just use the Last Update Date as that looks at both updates/notes on the task, but also status changes or assignments changes.