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External Email


Level 3
We are looking to see if there is a way for external users that may have a gmail account or if we happen to working with a vendor, how they can submit requests without them having to be an active user with a Workfront license? thanks Shawn Flege Shawn Flege DHHS

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8 Replies


Level 10
I am doing this now and it works great. I created a separate request queue with their custom form. I created them as external user using their gmail email address. Once the request is submitted - I edited the request access to only them to see and my company - thus other vendors can not see each other. I also created a layout template for them - so that I can limit what they can see and search on inside WF. Each vendor is a part of their own group and that group has limitations. Benetta Perry APS


Level 3
In order for this to work, you had to set them up in Workfront as a user, correct? We are looking for a way for external users to be able to submit a request without having to be set up in Workfront as a user. As we may be working with a Vendor and they may have 25 people on the project, we would like them to be able to submit requests during the length of the project but don't want to have to set up all 25 in Workfront, then at the end of the project go back and disable those 25. With as many projects we have, most them or vendor based, we would have to add and remove users all the time and I am trying to see if there is another way for external users to submit requests. thanks Shawn Shawn Flege DHHS


Community Advisor
Hi Shawn, To reduce your admin, perhaps you could set up one shared license for all submitters (or one per vendor, shared by all vendor's users), making the password well known, and as part of the Request custom data, require the submitter's email (in a textbox). Not as precise, and subject to spoofing...but technically, an option. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 10
To piggy back on to Doug's idea, you can use one ID per vendor and use an email distribution list (DL) for each vendor that contains all the vendor's folks. Then tagged comments will go to all of them.


Community Advisor
And to leapfrog Vic's piggyback, such an email alert would be an excellent way of internally verifying "from whom" you expect to receive such requests, detect (rather sneakily, via bounce back) whom on the list has Gone To A Better Place, and periodically inform those folks that you have (wisely, to reduce spoofing / stay in touch) changed the their common account's password. This is fun! Over to you for the next barnyard-animal idea, Vic... Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 10
Ha ha ha – "if we built this large wooden badger"


Level 3
Kind of related to this, we are anticipating setting up communication to external emails and are wondering: What happens when an email is not delivered successfully - when you get a bounce-back? Or, in other words, how do you know whether the mail was delivered successfully or not? Mavis Moon mmoon@pivotinteriors.com


Level 2
If you want to allow non-Workfront users to submit requests via email would this work? 1. Set up a generic user with a license 2. Set up an alias email on that user account for each project request queue that you need to open to the public. 3. Set up rules in your email client that forward emails sent to the alias to the appropriate project request queue account. I haven't tested it, but this solution seems like it would be clean. requires one license for mediating requests wouldn't require sharing credentials Connor Butters Syracuse University