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Events Management & Scheduling Calendar


Level 3
Hello! Wondering if anyone has had success using workfront to manage and schedule events & bookings. Our scenario: we have a studio with multiple rooms/booths that are available to book. As projects come in, we need a way to oversee the scheduling of each of these rooms by project, date and time. Our needs: - ability to provide the requestor with available scheduling options (sharable report or calendar where one can quickly view available/unavailable dates & times) - ability to report back on utilization of each room (hours) - printable calendar or report I've attached some screenshots of what I've been able to come up with using a separate 'scheduling' project with custom fields. Suggestions? Thank you!

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1 Reply


Level 4
Hi Community, We have the same issue in that we have an in-house photo studio that supports teams that are both using and not using Workfront. Our photo studio needs a way to have a bookable photo studio calendar that shows availability by photographer. Have any other retailers or creative agencies with in-house photo studios been successful at setting something like this up in Workfront or via a 3rd-party integration? Thanks, Frances Durham Evans Caleres, Inc., Famous Footwear