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Embedding reports vizzes in Report dashboards is a great way to boots reporting information.


Level 2
Embedding reports vizzes in Report dashboards is a great way to boots reporting information.

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5 Replies


Level 4
I'm going to ask because I know others are thinking it.... "What are Vizzes, Scott?"


Level 3
It’s short for “visualization”. You see the term “viz” used a lot within the Tableau reporting community.


Level 4
Thanks Kathy! I've done some searching on Google now.... Do you have a recommendation of a good website for developing one's own Vizzes @anyoneBritish searching on this subject can lead to some NSFW Viz Magazine hits ;p


Level 10
Hi Phil, "Vizzes" is the shiny name for a Tableau report. Here are some "https://public.tableau.com/s/blog/2016/01/readers-choice-top-5-vizzes-2015">examples . Regards, Doug (hmm...upon scrolling, I see I was late for dinner on this one, but cannot delete my post, so I will edit it and add this post script)