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Document vs General Updates


Level 3
Hello Everyone, Question....we are heavy users of the general updates area and the document updates area ....in terms of, well, updates, and dialogue, back and forth conversation. I never thought to officially ask in two years because for some reason I assumed it couldn't work but, is there a way to filter all conversations into one area in a given project? I know you can "filter system updates" so it just shows conversations and not the auto-updates. But can we get the document conversations funneled over to the general area or some other area I don't know about. Sometimes we have some important info we are discussing off the documents that will be valuable in the general area. Thank you in advance, Mike Mike Marando Excelsior College
24 Replies


Level 1
This is super helpful! Do you mind sharing your text for each of the columns per your screen shot? I'm struggling to get the display to come through correctly.


Level 3

I am trying to create this report to use as a dashboard in our projects. Just a quick question, how did you get "Object" to display Task, Docu, etc.?

I read through the thread that you added the object type, but I don't see that option on the column search. Is there a text mode you used? If so, can you please provide that information?

Lastly, I am assuming for the added color you did that under advanced options?‚


Level 10
Hi @Erika Garrett , this is a notes report. I used Notes ObjCode. Yes, color coding is under advanced options. Polly Co


Level 3
Thank you! :) Erika Garrett Gulfstream Aerospace