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Document Report that Shows Documents Awaiting My Approval in WorkfrontProof


Level 8
Hello -- we are trying to mostly do away with the use of the Standalone WorkfrontProof product and purely work out of Workfront itself as not to bounce back and forth between two systems. A key for us doing this is building a Document Report that shows documents awaiting my approval in WorkfrontProof --- if I'm one of the users in the established workflow that needs approve the document. However, I can't figure out how to accomplish this. So far I've only been successful in creating a report that shows the Documents that users have put in WorkfrontProof via Workfront that are pending approval from other users (or approved). Does anyone know if it is possible to build a document report that shows documents awaiting the user's approval in WorkfrontProof that were entered via Workfront? And if so, how? Thanks! Matt May Stream Companies

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24 Replies


Level 10
No I have not figured it out yet, will try this new solution posted and see if that works. I just got another request for this today. Not being able to delete Proofs that are hanging around in My Approvals is driving some people crazy.


Level 10
This filter below isn't working for me. Can anybody figure out the text mode to filter on this. I'm in the Proof Approvals type of report. MY PROOFS ASSIGNED TO ME for approval Show LATEST PROOF only PROOF is NOT APPROVED PROJECT STATUS=CURRENT Thanks!


Level 10
Here is the text mode for my report. EXISTS:a:$$OBJCODE=DOCU EXISTS:a:project:status=CUR EXISTS:a:project:status_Mod=in EXISTS:a:versions:ID=FIELD:documentVersionID approverDecision=Pending approverDecision_Mod=cieq approverID=$$USER.ID approverID_Mod=in isAwaitingDecision=true isAwaitingDecision_Mod=eq isCurrentDocumentVersion=true isCurrentDocumentVersion_Mod=eq Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Thank you, that appears to be exactly right. Now if we could find a way to remove old proofs from Home that never got approved but are long done and gone ... Jill Ackerman