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Document Filtering - Project status


Level 10
I hope the group finds this as helpful as I have knowing how much discussion on the topic there has been. We have struggled to be able to be able to filter the documents that are pending approval to only those projects that are not complete. After much discussion with WF support and our consultant it was determined that even though we could show both fields are the same report it was not possible to filter on both fields. With some help from our mutual friend Doug Denhoed (he did most of the heavy lifting), we came up with a way to accomplish this. Using a document custom form, a calculated field on that custom form and some text mode we were able to accomplish this feat. I have attached two screenshots that show before and after applying the filter. Doug will post the how to video very soon but we wanted to share the news now! FYI, the one caution I would add to this method is that a custom form will have to be attached to every document that is send out for approval. Depending on the number of documents your company generates this could be an additional burden. I hope this helps and thanks again to Doug for the support! Michael Lebowitz

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3 Replies


Level 10
My pleasure, Michael: I love it when a plan comes together! Here is the video of our off-roading session. Regards, Doug


Level 5
Hey All, forgive my ignorance w/this question. Is this workaround solving for documents routed for approval in workfront vs. having the proofhq integration- should I be interested in this workaround? tks! Karen


Level 10
Very good question, its for documents in the WorkFront document approval process. We are using a legacy version of Proof HQ which does not have document approvals therefore we have to use WorkFront process.