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Document Approval Report with Project Status Filter


Level 4

I've seen a discussion on Proofing reports with a Project status filter, but can't seem to find one that I would use within a Document report.

Essentially, we have a Documents pending approval report, but many of the approval requests are showing up on projects that are Complete. Would love to be able to filter so that it is only showing Documents with Pending Approval status, in Projects that are Current, with the approval request to $$USER.ID.

Can anyone point me to the text mode where I might accomplish bringing in the Project information, as the other components are standard in the report filters.

Thank you!


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2 Replies


Level 3

This can be done using EXISTS filter, here is what we use for Proof Approval report:





You might have to play around a little to get it to work with Document Approval report but should be something similar.


Level 8

For the approval request being assigned to the $$USER.ID we use this:




This is on a document version report rather than just a document report. I don't know if that makes a difference.