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Do Project Preferences specifically Issue Access translate over when a Project is created from a Template?


Level 4

I have several templates with embedded request queues. My problem is when a project is created with one of these templates the team assigned to the issue has only contribute access (even though the project preferences - in setup - are set to have manage access to the issue and view access to the project). Currently the only way I can allow them to manage the issue is to give them manage access to the project via project sharing. This is not a terrible problem but our preference would be that they can only manage the issue. Going forward we anticipate using the same processes with projects that may be more sensitive and would like access permissions to be seamless for the our project managers.


토픽은 커뮤니티 콘텐츠를 분류하여 관련성 있는 콘텐츠를 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다.

2 답변 개



Hi Dawnmarie,

This sounds like something our support team would be happy to assist you with! I have created a support case for you; number 00222851. Someone will be in touch with you soon to discuss this further. Thank you for bringing your issue to our attention!


Level 4

Easy answer. FYI for anyone interested - I didn't realize the template preferences override the project preferences in set up. That was my mistake. The takeaway is be sure your template preferences match your expectations for access. Thank you to the support team for bringing this to my attention.