Ah! Thought of a Plan B, Monique:
On a Monday (following the weekend refresh) apply ALL the new layout templates at once, in preview
Explain the Custom Tab risk to ALL users at once, what preview is, that you've prepped preview, invite them to do their own side by side comparisons, and to create a special Workfront request (which you'd set up, in PROD) with a screenshot and description each discrepancy; AND (for hopefully the majority) "my stuff all looks good!" Issue to confirm they've done their part and are happy (consider giving out a trip to LEAP in a draw among the individuals who participate on these)
Also share a public url link with them to a Workfront chart ( which you'd set up, in PROD) so ALL users can monitor (only) those issues (eg column chart by Entry Day, stacked by Issue Status)
Resolve the Issues as they come in (either by teaching, and/or improving the new Layout Templates), building interest, confidence, and trust throughout the week
On Friday, announce the results: either Go or No Go on Friday evening in PROD
If Go, do so, Friday
Keep the requests coming that first week
Announce the LEAP draw winner the following Friday
The "B" stands for "bold". Whaddaya think? Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore