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Custom Field Showing Value on Report instead of matching Drop Down choice


Level 6

I am creating a report that shows a value chosen from a custom field (drop down menu).  That custom form has values showing that don't match the drop down selection (for example - it shows designer name on the drop down and the value is their ID).  The report is defaulting to showing the value, is there a way that I can show the ID?  My text mode is shown below:

displayname=Project Lead
querysort=project:program:DE:Primary Designer
valuefield=project:program:DE:Primary Designer

5 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Stacey what kind of report are you running? Project, task, etc?


Level 6

It is an assignment report


Community Advisor

To my knowledge it's not possible to do.


Since you can't pull in a program value naturally in an assignment report and are using text mode already there isn't a way to get it back to the actual choice vs the value without using a series of IF statements. Hopefully someone else can weigh in to help. 


Level 1

I am working on a nested IF statement to solve a similar problem, but would love to here if there is another option. The same issue occurs on a journal entry report when a typeahead field text is changed.



Level 1

We had a similar scenario (dropdown storing supplier name/ id in the key value pairs). I was able to get the value printed on an expense report using the text mode below. 


displayname=Supplier Number