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Custom builds for typeahead type fields for very long lists


Level 5
We have a few fields that we need to source from a VERY long list (like 70,000 records). What we would want is someone starts typing in the filed and it narrows down that list and then limits the choice in another field. We know this isn't out of the box ability in Workfront, but were wondering if anyone else had the same need and worked with an outside vendor they'd recommend. Thanks Kristine Ross Empower-Retirement
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Kristine, I think I might have a way to address this for you. About a year ago, we adapted our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/ubercalc/" UberCalc solution to allow one of our client's Workfront SysAdmins to upload a fresh version of their SAP Inventory Parts List (think "+50,000 row text file each morning") into Workfront. With that file in place, on a special form housed within Workfront that we built for this very purpose, end users can use typeahead on any of the three major components that make up an inventory number to instantly filter down to only the numbers that are valid within that file's contents, effectively eliminating data entry errors, since our form will ONLY allow a valid selection to be saved back into the underlying Workfront custom parameters. Although we've not yet decided whether to create a "https://store.atappstore.com/products/all/" catalog entry for it, our solution effectively allows us to extend Workfront's data model and provide business rule based field validation. If you'd like more information, I invite you to email me at doug.denhoed@atappstore.com. Regards, Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 2
We had AtAppStore create a solution for us using their product UberCalc. It allows me to upload a text file every morning containing tens of thousands of entries into Workfront which we then use to validate data being entered into a custom form. In addition to the validation ability, they also created a lookup screen that allows our end users to use typeahead to enter a portion of a part number to display all possible validated numbers. Once a number is picked, it will also auto fills additional fields that are related to that part number. It has really worked out well and quite frankly has eliminated the chance for data entry errors. We would not have been able to implement such a elegant solution using Workfront alone so AtAppStore really helped us provide the data integrity we required. Timothy Bira Creative Services