DawnmarieD, a lot packed in here. I'm not sure I'm understanding it all but I think I have a similar scenario we use. Our Sales folks like to input requests for future client projects as well as stuff that needs to be done somewhat soon. We have a queue that provides a simple intake form, 12 questions that we initially need to identify the services and team it goes to (that is a request type form only). I use Fusion to then attach what we call "the long form" custom form (its both request and project type) to any submission coming through that queue. Our market team that manages that queue will then connect with the Salesperson when the "due date" of the request is within 30 days and do a kickoff, fill out the form, do validation on information, etc.. Our market team then click "Yes" question at bottom of long form to trigger Fusion to create project.
Could you attach different custom forms based on some trigger, like the first group finishing their form then clicking custom field saying "done" then Fusion attaches next form and notifies the next team to fill their form?