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Combine Columns - Task and Issue Assignments


Level 8
Does anyone know a workaround to get the task and issue assignments into one combined column? Every time I use the text mode, it reverts the issue and task assignments back to two separate columns on my report The text mode did work for combining task and issue - Reference Number, Entry Date, Name & Status. Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.

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11 Replies


Community Advisor
Hi Sydney, I don't think you can do that because those values are both tiles. I tried doing the same thing for sharing a column on Task Category Names and Request Category Names (which are also tiles) and ran into the same thing. William English
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Level 10
Hi Sydney, what type of report is this? Narayan Raum Workfront CoE Manager & Delivery Lead SunTrust Bank


Level 10
Have you tried simply using sharecol=true command within task assign column? That should connect them in one. Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 4
I have made this work in the past with a Work Item report using shared columns. Daniel Cooley Kenall


Level 4
@William English - what is a tile? Greg Troester CHG Healthcare Services, Inc.


Community Advisor
Hi Greg, other users in the forum can probably explain it more clearly and accurately than me. And, I hope they do so I can sound smrt in the future. I liken tiles to widgets. When you add the Category Name column to a report, it displays a hyperlink. The hyperlink doesn't open in a new tab or window, it opens a form widget in a lightbox over your content where you can edit multiple related fields at once. Similarly, the Assignments column displays a list of assignees. When you activate a cell in that column, you are able to click a user icon that opens the User Assignments widget in a lightbox over your content where you can edit multiple related fields at once. It makes sense that one wouldn't be able to share two of these kinds of columns together into a single column, because that would present a conflict as to what code is used for displaying and interacting with the records. If you really needed to display these values in a single column, I think you would have to strip the component nature of the records and just display the results as text. Or, I could be totally wrong :) I welcome the education if that's the case! William English
If you like my content, please take a moment to view and vote on my Idea Requests: https://tinyurl.com/4rbpr7hf


Level 8
assignment I think, maybe I should try work item as someone in the thread suggested? Thank you all for your responses! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 8
I've recreated the report as a work item report and I still can't combine these columns - has anyone had any luck with this using text mode? Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 10
Hi I'm wondering if someone could explain more clearly how to combine two columns into one. I would like the Task Name and Issue Name to be in the same column. I'm working in an Assignment Report. Right now they are two columns. Thanks! Jill Ackerman Jill Ackerman


Level 10
Sorry I couldn't delete this question. Who knew it would be so easy as to add in text mode sharecol=true to the left-most column of the 2 that I wanted to combine and voila, it removed the right column and now they are one. Jill Ackerman


Level 3
I believe this is what you are looking for: https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217521437-Report-Combined-Task-and-Issue-View-and-Gr... If you are trying to combine collection columns, that may be a bit of an issue, but the article should help in the right direction. Dale Whitchurch Arthrex Inc