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Column Sharing in Report


Level 2
Can you share more than two columns? I have been able to share two but three does not work.

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57 Replies


Level 6
Scott, apologies, I forgot it was you who’d suggested adding the bold tag. You’ll be happy to hear it’s all looking great, thanks so much for helping. It’s taken me about 12 hours effort to complete this. It’s a frustrating report with all those columns! Laura Ray Project Support Analyst Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com< [cid:image002.png@01D23508.F89D8910]


Former Community Member
no worries! the reports can take a long time, especially when they have many columns and something goes wrong and then you have to troubleshoot. I know that scenario all to well!


Level 10
Hi Scott, Hoping you can help! I've put together the attached report code and it's working well overall. There's two issues I would like to fix though: The sort order of the report. Currently it seems to be sorting in a completely random order. I would like it sorted aphabetically by the project name. The width of the Percent Complete box. At the moment it is spanning the width of the page, which doesn't look good. I would like to limit its width if possible (I have tried adding a width=50 line). If not possible, I would be happy just to show the percentage in numerical form without the graphical bar (I've tried setting the valueformat=HTML and removing the 'tile' references but this didn't work). Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Regards, David


Community Advisor
Hi David, To control the report sorting, add these lines to the column in question: sortOrder=1 sortType=asc As for forcing a column to be wider, an oldie but goodie trick is to use underscores to force the width of the column, like this: displayname=My_Column_Header______ Regards, Doug


Former Community Member
Looks like Doug answered before I could. Thanks Doug!. Good luck with it! In Reply to ....Doug.... Den Hoed:
Hi David, To control the report sorting, add these lines to the column in question: sortOrder=1 sortType=asc As for forcing a column to be wider, an oldie but goodie trick is to use underscores to force the width of the column, like this: displayname=My_Column_Header______ Regards, Doug


Level 10
Thanks Doug and Scott. The sort order worked great! However, I wasn't trying to make the percent complete column wider. I actually want the percent complete bar to be narrower, because it is filling the width of the single shared column (see attached screenshot). Not sure if it is going to be possible to do this? That's why I was thinking maybe I can just get the numerical percent value instead of the bar. Any ideas? Cheers, David


Former Community Member
interesting..i thought that bar was affected by the width of the columns..that it filled up whatever the size of the column.......have you tried to change the width of that column to see if it affects it? In Reply to David Cornwell:
Thanks Doug and Scott. The sort order worked great! However, I wasn't trying to make the percent complete column wider. I actually want the percent complete bar to be narrower, because it is filling the width of the single shared column (see attached screenshot). Not sure if it is going to be possible to do this? That's why I was thinking maybe I can just get the numerical percent value instead of the bar. Any ideas? Cheers, David


Level 10
Hi Scott, Column 19 in my code is the percentage complete column. I have the following: column.19.width=50 I then looked through the rest of the code and saw that column 0 has the a "usewidths=true" entry, so I added the following: column.19.usewidths=true Unfortunately, neither are working for me still. Have you ever tried adding percent complete to a shared column and not had it cover the whole width? Regards, David


Level 10
Quick update for those who are interested in how how display percentage complete as text rather than a graphical bar. Use the following text mode: displayname=percent complete textmode=true valueexpression=CONCAT({percentComplete},"%") valueformat=HTML Thanks go to Anna Khachatryan from Workfront Support for providing this solution.


Level 3
Hi Nate, I came across this helpful thread today and wondered if you had moved the text expressions? The link you gave last year no longer works: https://communitybeta.workfront.com/p/do/si/topic=82. I checked out the Resources section but there hasn't been anything added to the Report Templates & Expressions File Base page since last June. Is there a central place for users to share text mode/expressions they've figured out? I added this in the Idea Exchange a few weeks ago but wanted to reach out after coming across this thread. Thanks! Ondina


Level 9
Sorry bout that Onida! We deactivated the old subdomain "communitybeta" which may have screwed with some older links. Try this link instead: https://community.workfront.com/p/do/si/topic=82 On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Ondina Sturges < reportingforum@communitylists.workfront.com> wrote: > Hi Nate, > > I came across this helpful thread today and wondered if you had moved the > text expressions? The link you gave last year no longer works: > https://communitybeta.workfront.com/p/do/si/topic=82. I checked out the > Resources section but there hasn't been anything added to the Report > Templates & Expressions File Base page since last June. Is there a central > place for users to share text mode/expressions they've figured out? I > added this in the Idea Exchange a few weeks ago but wanted to reach out > after coming across this thread. Thanks! Ondina > > -----End Original Message----- > -- NATE BAGLEY Workfront Community Manager [image: Workfront] https://www.workfront.com O 801.477.9712 | M 801.706.3295 natebagley@workfront.com | www.workfront.com Address https://www.workfront.com/contact-us | Twitter https://twitter.com/Workfront_Inc | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/48453 | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/workfront [image: Workfront] https://www.workfront.com/email-promo


Level 2
Where is the attachment you are referring to? Delphine Campes Director of Project Management & Marketing Campaigns Pluralsight


Level 10
Here's my favorite shared column view for issues that pulls 7 columns of data together in a decent format: column.0.displayname=Issue column.0.sharecol=true column.0.shortview=true column.0.textmode=true column.0.value= column.0.valueformat=HTML column.1.descriptionkey=referencenumber column.1.displayname=Request column.1.isInlineEditable=false column.1.linkedname=direct column.1.listsort=intAsInt(referenceNumber) column.1.namekey=referencenumber.abbr column.1.querysort=referenceNumber column.1.sharecol=true column.1.shortview=true column.1.textmode=true column.1.valuefield=referenceNumber column.1.valueformat=int column.2.sharecol=true column.2.shortview=true column.2.textmode=true column.2.value= column.2.valueformat=HTML column.3.descriptionkey=name column.3.isInlineEditable=false column.3.link.linkproperty.0.name=ID column.3.link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=ID column.3.link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=int column.3.link.lookup=link.view column.3.link.valuefield=objCode column.3.link.valueformat=val column.3.linkedname=direct column.3.listsort=string(name) column.3.namekey=name.abbr column.3.querysort=name column.3.sharecol=true column.3.shortview=true column.3.textmode=true column.3.valuefield=name column.3.valueformat=HTML column.4.sharecol=true column.4.shortview=true column.4.textmode=true column.4.value=
 Primary Contact: column.4.valueformat=HTML column.5.displayname=Primary Contact column.5.namekey=view.relatedcolumn column.5.sharecol=true column.5.shortview=true column.5.textmode=true column.5.valuefield=owner:name column.5.valueformat=HTML column.6.sharecol=true column.6.shortview=true column.6.textmode=true column.6.value=  Entry Date: column.6.valueformat=HTML column.7.descriptionkey=entrydate column.7.displayname=Entry column.7.isInlineEditable=false column.7.linkedname=direct column.7.listsort=atDateAsAtDate(entryDate) column.7.namekey=entryDate column.7.querysort=entryDate column.7.section=0 column.7.sharecol=true column.7.shortview=true column.7.sortOrder=1 column.7.sortType=asc column.7.stretch=100 column.7.textmode=true column.7.valuefield=entryDate column.7.valueformat=atDate column.7.width=150 column.8.sharecol=true column.8.shortview=true column.8.textmode=true column.8.value=  Latest Update: column.8.valueformat=HTML column.8.width=1 column.9.displayname=Request Latest Update column.9.namekey=latest update column.9.sharecol=true column.9.shortview=true column.9.textmode=true column.9.valueexpression=IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>140, CONCAT(SUBSTR({lastNote}.{noteText},0,139),"...(open for more)"), IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>0, CONCAT({lastNote}.{noteText}))) column.9.valueformat=HTML column.10.sharecol=true column.10.shortview=true column.10.textmode=true column.10.value= column.10.valueformat=HTML column.11.namekey=latest update column.11.sharecol=true column.11.shortview=true column.11.textmode=true column.11.valueexpression=IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>0, CONCAT({lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ", {lastNote}.{entryDate}), CONCAT("(no updates)")) column.11.valueformat=HTML column.12.shortview=true column.12.textmode=true column.12.value= column.12.valueformat=HTML ------Original Message------ Where is the attachment you are referring to? Delphine Campes Director of Project Management & Marketing Campaigns Pluralsight


Level 7
Can you send me the code for this? I don't see it attached. Thanks! Leah Janz Metro Transit


Level 2
are these published somewhere? it would be amazing! It's so confusing searching these threads. We only need to combine 3 columns and I'm following the Advanced reporting instructions that shows how to add 2...can someone explain the concept to add a third? Do you follow the first step by inserting a blank column then recombining? Amy Larson Brandkey


Level 10
Hi Amy, yes you can share many columns. In fact, my first "https://youtu.be/fzjSUG2jlyg" WFPro video was on shared columns and it shows you how to build and tear them apart. Thanks, Narayan