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Capturing Metadata in WF/Adobe DAM Integration


Level 2
Hi all, We recently purchased the Adobe DAM and we're looking to integrate it with Workfront. I have a two part question for everyone...but ultimately we are wanting to start capturing metadata values on current projects now (before the integration) in Workfront...then migrate that over to the Adobe DAM once integrated. Is this possible? 1) Our understanding is that there is a connector to integrate Workfront and the Adobe DAM. However, from what I understand, it is an additional product we would have to purchase. Correct? 2) What I am wanting to research and better understand now is if there is something we can build on the Workfront side to start capturing the metadata values so that we can: Before integration, manually export the metadata values captured in Workfront and manually upload to the DAM when we manually upload the asset. After integration map/reference through boomie and have automatically populate metadata in the DAM when an asset is uploaded. Thank you! Julie Julie Underwood Entrust Datacard
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