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Closed Tasks still visible on "Working On"


Level 1
In "My Work" in Workfront, in the "Working On" tab, I have tasks that I committed to, but which were closed or cancelled. I just didn't click on the "Done" button. Is it really necessary to click this button or can I automate this somehow?.
4 Replies


Level 8
There's not a way to automate, that I know of. For example, if a task duration is set for 5/1-5/15 and the task was closed on 5/9, the task can still show as overdue and appear on people's timesheets, work, allocation, etc unless you change the end/complete date. We built a report that shows all overdue tasks, grouped by Project Manager, so that our PMs can easily go in and backdate the task end date so that it has a hard stop and does not pull into anything after it's been complete. We also have a report that shows incomplete tasks so that the PMs can bulk edit and close tasks on a monthly basis.


Level 10
If you figure out how to automate this, please share! We added the 'status' to the My Work tile so we can easily see whether its 'closed' or 'in progress' and then know to click Done.


Level 10
Hi Mikolaj - From my testing, it has to do with Task Owner. If the task owner completes the task (or Issue Owner closes an issues) than the item in the My Work will disappear for everyone. If someone else on the task completes it, it will be removed from their My Work but not the task owner's. A visual cue that might help is the assignment area on the right hand side. If it is complete and the area is still blue, that means that someone other than the task owner closed it. (You will normally see the green check on just their name). If it is complete and the area is yellow, that means the task owner completed it (normally everyone has a check mark on their name. If the task owner closes, it closes for everyone). For us, the Task Owner is not an important feature at all so we'd like it just to disappear from everyone's My Work list when the task is complete.


Level 1
Thank you everybody for the answers. @Anthony, the coloured right hand area is visible only if you go to the task, right? "For us, the Task Owner is not an important feature at all so we'd like it just to disappear from everyone's My Work list when the task is complete." Same for us...